Masai Mara (Maasai Mara) is situated in south-west Kenya and is one of Africa’s Greatest Wildlife Reserves.

It’s about 270 km from the capital Nairobi City and takes about 4-5 hours by road or 40-45 minutes by flight. The road is great for the most part. There is a section from Narok town to Sekenani Gate that is dirt road but fairly good. The other road through Lemek and Aitong town is not good at all and very bumpy.

Everything is big in the Mara (1,812km/700 m). Masai Mara is a stunning destination to visit. It is a reserve of breathless vistas, a panorama of vast rolling plains, hills and woodland groves, well watered by the lovely Mara River . This is lion and elephant country, with buffalo lurking in the forest and a super abundance of plains game game, but all this richness is secondary to the Mara’s main attraction – the annual migration, which takes place between July and September. Over a million wildebeest, thousands of zebra with their attendant predators cross the Mara River and spread across the plains in a seemingly endless procession. Secretary birds and Crowned cranes stalk sedately over the plains and the effortless Bateleur is almost always in the sky. A journey into the Mara by air is scenically magnificent with stunning views right across the Rift Valley and of two extinct volcanoes standing out in the blue-grey haze.

The recommended Number of Days to stay in Masai Mara due the amount to be seen in the reserve we feel a THREE to FOUR day safari is suitable for just the Masai Mara. If you are interested in photography the longer you stay the more chance of getting the ultimate photo.

The best time to visit Masai Mara With the wildebeest migration in JULY – OCTOBER, this is the best time to see this incredible movement of animals. Although it is not guaranteed that the wildebeest get to Masai Mara , it has yet to let us down. Also, December to February are great times as it is dryer and good for the Big Cats.

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